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Kaspar Scharf / cpp_dispatch_queue
The UnlicenseThis is a fork of https://github.com/charlesnicholson/cpp_dispatch_queue
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Provides different interpolants for values over triangular meshes.
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Convert PolyhedralMesh to TetrahedralMesh and HexahedralMesh and vice versa.
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Benedikt Conze / typed-geometry
MIT LicenseStrongly typed math library for graphics and geometry.
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lava / lava-vr
MIT LicenseHigher-level utility classes and functions for VR-Applications based on lava and lava-extras.
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Philip Trettner / typed-geometry
MIT LicenseStrongly typed math library for graphics and geometry.
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Philip Trettner / typed-graphics
MIT LicenseGraphics library with strongly typed interfaces.
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Edi Cikovic / glow
MIT LicenseUpdated